The Dorset Earth Mysteries Group was formed in 1998 to promote and explore various Earth Mysteries.

Dorset Earth Mysteries Group

The Dorset Earth Mysteries Group was formed in 1998 to promote and explore various Earth Mysteries

Once a month, speakers are invited to share their views on a variety of subjects; from UK stone circles to Ancient Egypt; from Dowsing to conventional Archaeology.

All are welcome.

Talks are held on the first Thursday of each month at 19:15. Talks start 19:30.

Next Talk...

August 1st 2024
Ben Emlyn-Jones

Skeptics- Who are they? Why are they wrong? And why does it matter?

Ben Emlyn-Jones asks some searching questions about those who challenge those who challenge. All people who look into UFO's, paranormal and similar matters will, at some point, come across the skeptics; people who dismiss and deny everything that has been discovered. Yet, tonight Ben puts THEM under examination.


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Coming Up...

September 5th 2024
Maria Wheatley

Lost Civilisations and Standing Stones

Maria will explore the lost civilisations of the British Isles that had similar burial practises to ancient Egypt and how they created a temple dedicated to the Moon and the Goddess of Reincarnation, personified as a constellation that was once at the zenith of Stonehenge. Maria also reveals the many diverse types of earth energies that were woven into the site. How the government destroyed a healing stone and infilled another to deface it. Maria discusses  lost stone settings and how the royal family stole one of the main stones that once graced the site. The truth is often far stranger than fiction. 
Maria's research is archaeologically correct and she reveals what the stone circle was once used for showing the mysteries of stone circles near, far and wide and tells you what the archaeologists won't...

October 3rd 2024
Neil Ward

In search of Hominids and Humanoids

Neil Ward, who has previously spoken at Dorset Earth Mysteries, returns again to this time enlighten us about Hominids, essentially the Bigfoot. What is the Minnesota Iceman? Also the extra information about Patti, the female Bigfoot filmed in 1967. The remarkable tale of Albert Ostman, who spent 5 days kidnapped by a family of Bigfoot. Then we look at the Humanoids. Two arms, two legs, but whatever is in between is anybody's guess! Strange alien or ET encounters, and strange Fey or faerie creatures that will boggle you before bedtime! Hold tight for some weird encounters of the bizarre!  Look out for Neil's forth-coming book True Tales of the Paranormal, due out in November 24.

November 7th 2024
Sheila Wade

In the Footsteps of Thomas Hardy

On 2nd June 1847, the day of Hardy’s seventh birthday, was the day the first train pulled by the steam engine “Reindeer” came into the newly built Dorchester station, the terminus of the new Corkscrew Railway, joining Dorchester and rural Dorset and Hampshire with Southampton and on to London.  You can imagine Hardy…. and his family…. standing and watching as that first train passed just the other side of the peaceful Frome valley…. a few miles from Hardys home. 

Thomas Hardy, novelist and poet, national treasure, born on 2nd June 1840 and died on 11th January in 1928 at age 88….. a grand old man of the London literary scene, a man whose career straddled the Victorian and Edwardian eras…and also  a man of the traditions and ways of life of rural Dorset.


December 5th 2024
Alison Todd


Full Details to follow

March 6th 2025
Caroline Hoare & Gary Biltlciffe

Home Healing - Geopathic Stress and Electro Stress
Causes and Solutions

Discussed will be the causes and effects of Geopathic Stress and the effects of detrimental EMF's and how they be detected and remedied to promote a healthy, balanced and harmonious home